Thursday, 10 March 2011

It's weigh day - No.7

I am really hating myself right now.  I've had a mixed week, I've been good with all my main meals (weekend excluded), but I have had far too much chocolate.  I'm finding that hard to let go if I'm honest.

But, I wasn't entirely sure that I had been bad enough to have seen what I saw this morning.

GAIN - 1.5KG




I'm really upset with myself.  Why can't I get my fat arse out and walking of a morning?  Why can't I resist the urge to buy a piece of chocolate when I go into a shop?

So, that means in almost 8 weeks, I have lost a grand freaking total of just 3.3kgs.  That's nothing, less than 500 grams a week.

This week, I really must be more dedicated.  I want to lose 3kgs next week to make up for it.

I really really really am hating myself right now.

But, then why am I so surprised?  Did I really think that a couple of lentil curries and salads would make up for the junk I ate at the weekend or the chocolates I ate during the week?  I guess I had kind of deluded myself into thinking that.  I used to not think at all about what I ate, and have maintained the weight I am now for the best part of a decade I guess.  So, I figured given that I have changed sooooo much, I would still lose.  Naive.  Stupid.  Fucked up.


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