Sunday, 18 July 2010

First taste of hospital food

URGH. So gross.

I can now say, having had the experience of both, airplane food shits all over hospital food.

I took myself to A&E the other night with really bad stomach pain and was admitted in the wee hours of the morning.  Although the stomach pain and nausea disappeared after about five hours, I was admitted for two days.  They suspected gall stones but blood tests showed something not right going on with my liver.  Although I'm home now, I have to go for an ultrasound in the next week or so and get some more blood tests.  Not sure what is wrong with me, although I feel normal but more tired than usual.

It was a bit of a levelling experience actually. I've never been in hospital before.. well, other than visiting other people.  It was not nice.  Scary.  Boring.  Frustrating.  I know I keep saying it, but I have to be more disciplined with the diet and exercise!  I am hopingggggggg nothing serious is going on, but I have to give myself the best chance of being fit and well...

I desperately want children... and WHEN I finally get my family, I don't want to be a sick and unfit mother who can't get out and run around and be silly with her children.

Right.  Although I said last time I was going to weigh in, I didn't...

I'm off to the Wii Fit.