Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The biggest loser and other bits

I've been thinking a lot about weight and my PCOS lately.

I've had my eyes closed about my PCOS pretty much since I got diagnosed.  I've not taken it seriously, and it is serious.  Very serious.

Although I'm very involved in raising awareness about PCOS and being an advocate for other women like me, I think I've used that as a scapegoat. I've taken PCOS seriously, but not so far as it comes to my own health and well being.  I had a bit of a lightbulb moment the other day, listening to one of the world's top 25 experts in PCOS in the world.

These are some of the long term health risks: type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and endometrial cancer.  PCOS is also linked to sleep apnea and breast cancer.  The breast cancer link scared me and was something I was totally unaware of (unlike the other risks which I've known about).  Breast cancer itself is not a long term risk of PCOS like type 2 diabetes is, but breast cancer is linked to infertility.  PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility.  It's scary.

Fertility has also been something thats increasingly on my mind.  I know that your fertility takes a steep dive at 35, and at 29 I can hear the tick, but I thought I still had time on my side (despite not being married or even engaged yet).  The speaker I mentioned above mentioned the big 3-0.  At age 30 your fertility takes its first nose dive.

In 2010, I just have to do it.  I HAVE, HAVE, HAVE to get my BMI under 30 this year.  I turn 30 in 11 months.  I really want to have had my operation by my next birthday so I can seriously start trying to conceive.

I've been going to the gym a lot recently.  Last week I went three times; I did two cardio sessions and a big swim session.  I'm really chuffed to bits with myself, and am remembering how much I do enjoy exercise.  Especially swimming, I love being in the water.  I'm set to go and do some cardio again in the morning, and although I'm dreading getting up that bit earlier I know how good I'll feel when I walk out with my sweaty brow and red face.  I need to keep that up.  I've made myself promise that I'll go three times a week at least.

I'm not there yet mentally.  I am still bingeing, although this is getting less which I am pleased with.  But overall, I'm making better choices and I'm moving a LOT more than I have in a very long time.  I can really feel myself getting there though.  I've got a long way to go to get my head in the right space; the space where I'm making the right choices 98% of the time and seeing the kgs drop on the scales.

I'm going to get there though, I'm on the right road now. It's started. My head is out of the sand.  At last.

Anyway, I'm watching the latest season of Biggest Loser Australia online, and there's a woman on there with PCOS which I was really excited to see, she's gone on the show to lose weight so she can conceive.   I'm a bit worried though, as would love to follow along with her journey, but she's in the bottom two.  So I will have to watch episode two now to make sure she doesn't get booted out!

The Biggest Loser Aus 5 - Episode # 1 / Part 1
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