Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Gone fishin' ... back now

Countless weeks down the line, and I'm angry with myself sorry to say that I'm no further ahead than I was last time I blogged.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I'm down 2 kgs... yippee!!  I am also now the proud owner of a Wii Fit Plus that has been turned on six times this year (cough cough).

Oh, I did also start going along to the gym.  I've probably been about as many times as the Wii Fit has been used... but on the flipside I've been moving a lot more than I was before too.  I've gone from working at home to working on the third floor of a building that doesn't have an elevator.  So, getting in some good stair work-outs every day.

Although I've only lost about 2 kg's, I've gone from a size 24 to a tighttttt size 22.  But even those jeans are definitely doing up easier in the first-wear-after-a-wash test.

I am totally going to try and blog more regularly.  I really do need to keep myself accountable, otherwise I tend to let life get in the way and find the excuses falling too easily at my fat feet.  I need to keep in focus why I'm doing this................

having a family.